Thursday, November 19, 2009


Warning may contain spoilers.

I don't believe in 2012. I think the hysteria is unbelievable. Just because the Mayans ran out of room on a rock does not mean we're all going to die. We said the same thing about 2000 and we're still here. So when this movie trailer came out my first thought was "Oh my god this is just going to make it worse." and for some people it did. I thought the movie was okay. I mean special effects were breathtaking but just on the whole it was too unbelievable.

The beginning was boring just so boring. A scientist finds out the crusts are going to start moving and that they need to start evacuating people but the government already knew and they were going to save the smartest and wealthiest people in the world. The plan is that they've built..... arks.... yea arks and they're just going to ride it out and wait for the water levels to recede.

The story revolves around this writer/limo driver Jackson Curtis and he family escaping to China to get on the arks. Jackson and his wife are no longer together and shes with this guy... to be honest i don't even remember his name but it doesn't matter because he dies anyway. He just a perv and he has no depth whatsoever his death was not sad at all. There's also this Russian family with the hot Russian chick but they don't matter either.

In the end this movie is just for effects if you go in expecting anything more your going to be disappointed.... the special effects are amazing but it doesn't make up for this films lousyness