Sunday, August 9, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

Warning there may be spoilers

Alright so its been quite some time since Slumdog Millionaire came out so you might be wondering "Why on earth havn't you seen this?!" Well to be honest i never planned too. I'd heard all the gossip and stuff about how this was the greatest movie you will ever see but i still didn't feel the need to see it. Well now i have and i'll say this. It's a good movie but i expected more from what everyones been saying. It didn't blow me away like most people.

Well anyway the only reason i saw the movie is because i read Q&A which if you don't know is what Slumdog is based off of. I was put loosely in that description. Maybe thats why it didn't blow me away because the book was just so spectacular thats what i wanted.... the book in movie form but i didn't which is to be expected.

One of my main problems with it is all the changes. Stuff that didn't need to be changed such as names. In the book the main character is Ram Mohamed Thomas but in the movie his name is Jamal Malik. Also his love intrest in the book is Nita not Latika. Anndd Salim is not Ram's brother... he's just a childhood friend. A lot of the stories were gone too Neelima Kumar, the Australians, the priest, the train, the hitman Salim worked for, the voodo one, Salim and Thomas's next door neighbors in the chawl. I'm happy Maman was in it because i liked that story. So either way i find one thing is not going to click with you wether it be the book or the movie.

But enough with the bad stuff.. This movie had many high spots. The way it was filmed is unique and pleasing. The actors (even the child ones) where amazing, absolutley brilliant. The scene which i enjoyed the most was the moment Jamal won and the theme is playing and it goes to Salim in the bathtub full of money just shooting a bunch of guys then he gets shot. I also liked when Latika was running for the phone. I started leaning forward a bit.

All in all a great movie definitley check it out. Try the book too it's fanominal.

This one gets a 4.5/5 from me

Till next time.

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