When my brother (who is a major trekkie ) told me about the new Star Trek movie in the works I wasn't completely sold. Me personally I loved TNG and Voyager but I was a bit young for William Shatners Kirk and Leonard Nimoys Spock. I was ready to pass but my brother was adament i watch the trailer. I love him for doing so. To my surprise the trailer looked fanominal... and not only that but it was being directed by J.J Abrams who produces LOST of which I am an avid fan.
So I prepared to watch this movie with high expectations and you know what? It lived up to them all. Amazing special effects brilliant acting just a glorious reboot to the franchise.
The acting was superb. Chris Pine's carefree Kirk was a neat contrast to Zachary Quintos logical Spock. It was also neat to see Leonard Nimoy back on the screen as Spock Prime. There has been a lot of gossip about the hotness of Chris Pine but to be honest i was totally jealous of Uhura when she had the kissing spree with Spock in the turbolift... annnyywayy moving on.
The plot was ...good. A little complicated but good. J.J Abrams threw us another one of his time conundrums for us to figure out but being a fan of LOST I could understand it but I would understand if others couldn't. My brother had the complaint that it was unrealistic at times espcially with Kirk just happening to land in the exact same region of the planet as Spock Prime but i think we can all look past that minor detail.
Eric Bana's character Nero is a Romulan miner whos planet was destroyed and he hates spock for not coming to the rescue. To me his character was hastily thrown together we hardly see him except for the beginning and end. He was really just the bonding incident for the finest crew to ever seek out new life. (did anyone else get the goosebumps when Leonard Nimoy said that at the end??) And also ... what happend to the classic Romulan look?
Eric Bana's look
Who really cares... Eric Bana looks hot anyway.
To all you hardcore trekkies out there. Relllaaxx.. this is a fresh take on Star Trek and will probably differ from what your used to. Be open minded and flow with it.
I give Star Trek a solid 9 out of 10 stars ;)
Untill next time.
Live long and prosper.
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