Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Alice in Wonderland - Tim Burton Pictures

As I am sure many of you know Tim Burton has been working on a re-make of the classic Alice in Wonderland. Now I am a huge Disney fan but quite frankly Alice in Wonderland frightened me and I havn't watched it much. Which is probably why Tim Burton is interested.

Obviously his main man Johnny Depp is in this movie. He is going to play the Mad Hatter

Omg this scares me. To be honest I can't really see Johnny doing this but hey i never pictured him as Willy Wonka either. Guess i'm just more used to the serious Johnny but regardless he looks great..... he's still a sexy beast.

Next up is his squeeze Helena Bonham Carter as the Red Queen:

She looks FANTASTIC... omg this is not what the red queen looked like but this is how it should have been it is perfectly burtonized. I can't stop looking at her. I wonder how it'll look on screen :O ?

Next we have Anne Hathaway as the White Queen:

To be honest I don't remember the White Queen. Was she in the Disney move? ....Who cares. Anne looks mesmerizing and i'm sure she'll do great.

Next Mia Wasikowska as Alice:

I'm not familiar with Mia so I can't really say anything about that... but she looks the part.

I have faith that Tim Burton will make this into one of his usual masterpiece's and even tho Alice in Wonderland frightens me I will definitly be in the line-up for this one.

Till next time!

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